
I certainly understand your frustration, and your point of view. I have been caught in a trench of dark skepticism, many times, but escaped just in time. However; even at the risk of believing a ridiculous fantasy, I must condemn the conclusion, and denounce your assertion as "defeatist". In the ...

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long form

to me

micro transactions... daily exchanges that run billions each hour, planet Earth—comforting to know that i am not alone. But of course i am, and never was.

every breath matters and each moment—a maxim, a sweet cardinality of living, a place to plunge in...

Then what? or ...

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another pause

to recap

it's still true though. time is precious or it's nothing

marqpdx [4:59 PM] both, i guess are valid

there has been a rash of writing this past 8 weeks, yay, and i'm super glad to be putting words down. it's a huge part ...

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