everything new again

i have a body

what Vietnam looked like when i was a kid I had a lovely chat w/ my friend Helen today, from Each Amazing Breath, and one of the lovely places we celebrated our full agreement was the notion that we are embodied to enjoy being embodied. We are given the chance at exuberance, joy, delight, rapture ...

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at the door

from my friend sg...

My friend and i were in a conversation about yoga service and she noted that so many of us who have gravitated towards serving this way (or who have been flung from the inside towards this healing) often have our own pain we're trying to ...

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walking the dog

i am not my body

Over the summer, i was investigating myself (with the help of some very kinds guides) and i came to be able to see myself as not my body. I would even sometimes think of it as 'this body --that i hang out with on planet ...

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