dear LightWorker 10

dear LightWorker

what to do?

From the StillPoint, we observe.

This may spawn a few sections for it seems so pivotal to our discussions.

The general notion for this line of thinking is that there is a journey inward, to know self, and along the way our first order of ...

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dear LightWorker 9

dear LightWorker

sending Love

Not only are we comprised of Love, living in a vast infinity of Love, we are able w/ our will to direct waves of Love in any direction we wish.

And that is a part of our purview. In fact, it will happen naturally the more ...

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dear LightWorker 8

dear LightWorker

###The effort of non-doing

We have work to do, dear ones. Our primary task is to fully realise our True Nature as Love, in communion w/ All Love.

Old maxims make new sense: "Do nothing, yet leave nothing undone" reminds us that our Stillness, to become present only ...

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dear LightWorker 7

dear LightWorker

job description

now that you have a sense of where i'm grounded (in breathe, love, and notice (discernment)), we can now put out a job description for ourselves. i would hope for these writings to reach the ones most ready to read them.

Goal: LightWorkers behave in ...

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