the "Dear LightWorkers" collection:
- dear LightWorker
- dear LightWorker 1
- dear LightWorker 2
- dear LightWorker 3
- dear LightWorker 4
- dear LightWorker 5
- dear LightWorker 6
- dear LightWorker 7
- dear LightWorker 8
- dear LightWorker 9
- dear LightWorker 10
- dear LightWorker 11
- dear LightWorker 12
- dear LightWorker 13
- dear LightWorker 13a
- dear LightWorker 14
- dear LightWorker 16
- dear LightWorker 17
- dear LightWorker 15
possibly related
dear LightWorker
job description
now that you have a sense of where i'm grounded (in breathe, love, and notice (discernment)), we can now put out a job description for ourselves. i would hope for these writings to reach the ones most ready to read them.
Goal: LightWorkers behave in highest alignment w/ All Love, and act for the well-being (and return Home), of everyone.
Skills: ability to know a deep, and centered Still Point within yourself ability to witness your own Brilliance as Love * ability to bring that essence of Love into every encounter, with every single living being, endlessly from now on.
before we delve broadly and deeply into the work we do we must be certain of who, and what we are. we must recognize and deploy daily our most powerful, birth-given attributes, specifically that of being gifted w/ a human Heart, that single center point that is literally a gateway from where we are in bodies and minds, to Infinity.
it sounds overblown on paper, but it is the opposite. i use too many words, and inarticulately enough that i am forever wishing i was better at putting the Magnificence into writing. alas.
Who Are You?
You Are Love. We all are, as carbon is made of Love bodies and minds are made of Love.
How to prove this to yourself. Breathe, patiently every day, with Loving curiosity and self-kindness. A space will appear, and expand, a safe Space you can live your Life, and from there behold that we in our ego selves are tiny in the cosmos, but we in our Love selves are infinite and vast.
Dwell in this spaciousness, nurture it with every Breath you can, sacred inhale, behold, sacred exhale, be in Awe to know that you Are Love. keep breathing.