possibly related
it feels simpler.
OK, mind screams don't become poor! Bodymind flinches, looks up from a moment of well earned rest and says shit!
Bodymind wants to keep resting; i am weary. Brain won't allow us to become poor, b/c that will be worse than stepping up and getting things done now.
Bodymind negotiates; what say we approach these tasks of provisioning me and loved ones—the sacred caring for household and self—with curisoity and compassion? let me be the offering of myself to God, myself to Love, myself to all of us. Let me approach the next moments of my life, be they few or millions, with self-kindness and loving witness, and good will naturally flow from that.
i can stand down a mite with that consistent efforting (Bless), and can sustain the right amount of forward momentum to get needs met and desires touched, or at least seen if not lived through, or let go.
the tip of my thoughts
so for today's inquiry, i notice that bodymind feels a clenched tightness around the thought of "having to get back to work", the work of making money and paying bills.
this is a blocker in so much as i'll get to that work anyway b/c that's what i do and this is eroding stress, not the good kind, but the sweet part is there's a negotiation to be had and bodymind is advocating for us-self, so kudos all around.
a corner
Where does curiosity bring us w/ this?
Really it comes down to maths, what is the littlest effort i can put into this with the maximum self-joyfulness and lowest to zero negative impact outward?
that's doable.
so brain explores ideas w/o requiring bodymind to plunge in right away, and we will together, meet our own needs.
Serve the Love m.
See: bodymind