dear LightWorker 3

dear LightWorker


Desire then, is external. It is not the bubble of fuzzy smog and mist we create for ourselves w/ our ego minds, nor is it a seed drive like Curiosity. Rather Desire of any stripe is external, and eddy of roiling energies we blend w/ for a ...

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dear LightWorker 2

dear LightWorker

keep breathing

just that, with curiosity and sweet self-kindness. lean into that kindness, and watch the warmth inside blossom over and over again your compassion for all beings.

that is the practice for today. what we're looking for with this is spaciousness, inner spaciousness where your thoughts ...

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dear LightWorker 1

dear LightWorker

a first breath

having lived a few decades past childhood, feeling the interesting home fires of old age calling, i note to myself in these words that i have noticed things, patterns. they are important, b/c they help us separate useful information from distraction.

there has never ...

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dear LightWorker

dear LightWorker

there is an opportunity at hand for each of us to step up to a whole complete Truth every moment, that each of us is Love, and that All Love is Everything.

Name it what you will, but there is an Is'ness, a Vastness that is the ...

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