I want to be like Hafiz

again on a teal couch

I want to be like Hafiz

What Happens?

What happens when your soul Begins to awaken Your eyes And your heart And the cells of your body To the great Journey of Love?

First there is wonderful laughter And probably precious tears

And a hundred ...

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All Love asks, how


there have been steps, along the earnest path, to where i am now, vastly more capable of seeing and knowing our true nature as Love than ever before.

  • study your desires and your needs; the former is woven in w/ each of our soul's reasons for being here ...
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All Love asks, day three.1


Q: how do you know it's accelerated and not happing 'as it's supposed to'?

marqpdx [6:15 PM] good question...

what Nis says is there’s a ripening. we show up to that earnestly every day, and it’ll happen, basically guaranteed, which is of course mad ...

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All Love asks, day three.2


i leave these words here for my own behalf, b/c i fear i will forget, b/c i am a novice.

i am new to this moment of ripening, this Moment of Creation. this moment of falling into Love.

i am also inspired by the notion that it ...

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All Love asks, day three

finally again

so have been reading a book i'll get to later in this series; right now i'm trying to assimilate the shift, describe it back to my fading self in words so clear that i won't ever have to forget the magnitude of the Perfection we ...

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